What Students Need to Know Before They Graduate
I think the most important subject that students need before graduating is math, reading, and history. The reason why I think that math, reading, and history are most important in your life are that. Well first off about math, If you work at McDonald’s say that you have to take peoples order and there amount is $24.70 and they give you $25.00 you have to know how much money to give back to them that is why math is required. Now Reading you need to learn how to read anything and everything.
Say you work at a library you would have to learn to teach kids how to read, and or you would have to read a book to the little kids that don’t know how to read but they will listen to you. Last but not least is science/biology you have to learn how many quarts are in a gallon and such and such. You need all of those classes to graduate.
You need all of those classes to pass because math you will need in your future the most because of the way that any job works. If you go to college and want to be a vet you still have to learn math because you have to take maybe blood from a dog and you have to have the exactly how much blood you are taking from a dog.That way you do not kill the dog because if you do not give the correct amount of blood to the dog you could either hurt the dog really bad or you could kill the dog and no one wants to do that to any kind of animal or anything.

Krista McCartney is a sophomore and a first year Journalism student.
Krista McCartney is member of the basketball and softball teams.
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