Future Goals
In 2016, I will be graduating, getting a job and starting college. I plan to work my hardest and do what I can to make these things happen. Graduation right now is my number one priority. Going through school all these years is finally paying off. This will be one of the biggest accomplishments of my life. I will be the first in my household to graduate then continue my education. Both of my parents were able to graduate, but neither of them went to college. So graduation is only the beginning of my life. Getting a job on the other hand, is important because it will allow me to show my independence and show that I can support myself. I know that right off the bat I will not be making a large amount of money but just enough to get me started. 2016 is going to be the start of my new life. The new year brings many new things and many new opportunities. Each of these things will create the path for me to get to college and continuing my life. College is something I have been looking forward too all my life. It is not something to joke around with and I intend to graduate and do what I love, nursing. Helping those around me is my passion. This new year is about to open yet another chapter of my life. I am going to take advantage of everything I can and become all I can be. I have big plans for myself, being a failure or a disappointment to anyone else is not an option.

Morgan Kutek is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
She is a member of the Leo Club, participates in her high school varsity volleyball team...