TI-84 Presentation
On September 29, Dana Morse introduced the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator to Alegebra 1 and 2, College Algebra and Pre-Calculus students. Mr. Morse is a Texas Instrument representative who teaches students and teachers how to use Texas instruments graphing calculator technology.
Mrs Simatic and Mr Corbett met Mr. Morse at a workshop last spring.
Mr. Morse brought a set of 30 calculator for students to use during the presentation. Two of the topics demonstrated were graphing lines and checking solutions to equations using stored valued for variables.
Many of the students were very excited and impressed with the calculators. “The presentation was actually interesting. I loved learning about things the new calculators can do,” said Caroline DePhillips.
Students are not required to purchase a calculator for math class as calculators are available in the classroom.
Students who plan to enroll in college after high school may want to consider purchasing a graphing calculator now so there is an opportunity to learn how to use it. The TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator costs approximately $80.

Hayley Palone is a junior and a second year Journalism student.
Hayley likes to play Xbox, spend time with friends, fish, and she is always up to do...