Greene County Schools Potential Merger
Although it has cooled down over the past couple of years, the topic of the combination of the Jefferson-Morgan, Carmichaels, and Mapletown school districts is still relevant to the community. However, it is undecided whether or not it would benefit all the school districts by coming together. Many students have mixed opinions about this topic. There are very viable benefits to the merger, but there are also viable arguments against it.
Many people have thoughts about the merger. Whether they are positive or negative, everyone has formed their own opinions about it. Theses opinions might come from personal reasons or even with the community in mind.
Kayla Ealy was asked her opinions on this certain topic. She explained a negative to all of the schools merging together as one. “With the rivalry we have with Carmichaels, there would surely be more fights.” She continued, “Students who are shy now may be even more shy and isolated due to new people coming in large amounts.”
Ealy did not provide all negatives though, she was asked if she would feel more pressure to perform in the classroom with the increased amount of students. “No, if anything I would feel less pressured.”
Academics as well as the social environment aren’t the only things that students are worried about. Athletics are also a big part of some students lives. There is much controversy on whether or not the combination of schools would benefit the athletics for the students. Dalton Fowler spoke his mind on the subject.
“I think our athletics would be benefited positively,” Fowler said. “We would definitely have more talent to help us be successful in all of our sports.” Fowler isn’t only concerned with athletics however. He went on to explain how it affect our academics. “We would have better electives to choose from and it would help students be more well rounded.”
A poll was put out to twenty students with the question “Would you be open to a combination of schools with Carmichaels and Mapletown?” 45% of students said that they would be open to a merger, which is more than expected. Some students even gave positives and negatives to the merger.
The positives given ranged widely. They went from increase in school spirit, to better electives, to improved athletics, to more kids to get to know. The list could go on and on. The negatives were more specific however. Many students replied that these new students may not get along with one another. It would also bring an end to our rivalries with the two schools. Overwhelmingly though, students just didn’t want the social issues that came with the new kids.
This merger could honestly be a benefit to us as a community. Improved facilities, a more diverse school district, and even better academics. However this is a really big change for many people, and some maybe wouldn’t get along with the new people. Until it happens, there will be no way to tell if it would benefit everyone.

Eli Rafail is a senior and a second year Journalism student.
Eli participates in sports and activities in school including football, baseball, band,...