Track and Field Weather

The month of March is almost over and the weather is changing dramatically, from warm days to cold days. The track team at Jefferson Morgan knows the feeling of those days, since the team practices outside. Most of the new members hate the weather because they aren’t used to the sport or the weather changes that are associated with the sport.
“I am just so excited that the new season began, I can prepare for the practices and meets a lot better because of the warmer weather this year than last year,” said Nick Teegarden, on why he thinks this year’s weather is a lot different from last year.
Teegarden is a veteran at the sport and knows how the weather can affect his performance not only at practice but the meets as well. He knows the sport very well and can tell when the weather breaks to being much more comfortable.
This track season is a lot more different from the previous ones, that being the weather. In the past years, the season would always start cold and rainy, not allowing a whole of time for the athletes to get outside and practice.
Aaron Mylan, a great athlete at the sport also had this to say about the weather, “It feels a lot better than last year, I couldn’t even run in comfortable clothes, I was always wearing sweats every time I ran during practice.
Mylan is a distance runner on the team, and also participates on the cross country team, and he knows that to run, the weather has to be right and that the runner has to be dressed properly, in order to get a great workout in.
In conclusion, this year’s track and field season has started warmer than any other season, the athletes just have to pay attention to the weather, and how they are dressed and know what advantages and disadvantages that is associated with the weather that comes along with the sport.

Michael Metz is a senior and is a second year Journalism student.
Michael Metz is a participant in football and track
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