Blood Drive

The Jefferson-Morgan National Honor Society will be sponsoring the annual blood drive on Monday, March 20th. The activity will take place all day long and it will benefit the American Red Cross. This is an opportunity for students and members of the community to donate and help the people who are in need of the blood.
There are certain requirements to be eligible to donate at the blood drive. First, for the safety of both the donor and the recipient, the person donating must be in good health. In the state of Pennsylvania, donors must be at least 16 years old to be able to donate. However, in other states, the age requirement is 17 years old. The donor must also weigh at least 110 pounds in order to be eligible.There are also some additional tips to being a donor, such as hydrating properly, wearing comfortable clothes, and maintaining a healthy level of iron in their diet. A full list of things to help out donors during the donation process can be found at
National Honor Society member Nicholas Headley has helped at the event for the past couple of years. He plans to once again help out with the cause and perhaps even donate some blood this year. “I really enjoy participating in the blood drive every year,” said Headley. “Even if I haven’t donated yet, it’s still great to help the people there who are donating. And who knows? Maybe I’ll be able to contribute some blood this year.”
For those who are interested in donating, please see Mrs. Huba for permission slips in order to participate. A flyer will also be put on the E-Blast system. Also, more information about online registration will be provided closer to the date.

Eli Rafail is a senior and a second year Journalism student.
Eli participates in sports and activities in school including football, baseball, band,...