Featured Writer – Kat Taggart
Kat Taggart participates in many activities but her favorite is swimming. Kat has won many different awards and first place ribbons in the backstroke swim events. The award she is most proud of herself for is winning the first place medal in the 200 meter backstroke swim event. She has been swimming for eight years and loves every minute of it.
“I love the sport and how it’s against yourself,” says Taggart.
On Kat’s free time she enjoys riding quads and has a passion for riding horses. She has been around animals her whole. Also she loves to spend her free time watching Netflix. Kat loves hanging out with her friends and family.
“I love different cultures and seeing different people,” says Kat.
Kat has been to many different schools and has seen many different cultures. She has only been at Jefferson for two years but has many friends. She has a talent for art and someday hopes to continue this talent by getting a job that involves her artistic ability. She loves drawing and painting.
Still to this day Kat loves swimming and hopes to continue it throughout her life. She still practices a lot but not as much as she used to.

Gavin Teasdale is a Senior and a second year Journalism student.
Gavin participates in many things but the main thing he participates in is wrestling....