Save Money this Valentine´s Day

Troy Wright

More stories from Troy Wright

Feel the Spirit
May 23, 2022
Save Money this Valentine´s Day

There are many ways to avoid spending money on dates on Valentine’s Day. You can choose multiple date ideas this Valentine’s Day that are free. 

One free date idea for Valentine Day’s would be to go adventure any local events around at the time. You could even go to a nice local park and look at the stars. In the article “10 ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day without spending money,” going to local events and spending time looking at the stars is one of a girl’s favorite dates for Valentine’s day.

I think that is a pretty lame date idea because as a guy I do not find any of these things interesting. I think girls would find this date perfect just for the fact that the date idea took thought and time. I think that this date idea would be fine if the guy doesn’t care about the date and just about spending time with the girl.

Another free date idea for Valentine Day’s would be to go on a long drive around town or even to other states. You could listen to your favorite music and talk as you are going wherever you want. According to the article, “10 ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day without spending money” this is a date idea that most people would never think of, but people who have done this noticed that both partners enjoyed their time and it even reduced stress. 

I personally think that this is a great idea for a free date because everyone likes listening to music and driving wherever you want. This is another date idea that is not ordinary and actually takes thought to come up with. I think this date idea should become more popular because of the benefits and the enjoyment that this date could create.