A Granddaughter’s Tale
A special memory that I have from the holidays would be the Christmas that my grandfather decided to purchase a fake tree. It was the year of 2010 – very snowy, cold, and icy. My grandfather, being about 70 years old at this point in time, decided that struggling to get a real tree would not be worth his time (or health) that year. As a young kid who watched too many TV shows and movies about Christmas, I believed that he should have gotten a real tree to show the jolly spirit of the family. So, upon seeing the fake, pointy, and plastic tree, I decided to call him out for it in the middle of my family and I’s Christmas dinner.
My grandmother sat wide eyed in her chair, my mother gave me the “death stare”, my sister laughed at me, and my father stared off into blankness as I rambled on about things that did not even matter. As for my grandfather, he just took all of my “glorious speeches” to heart. Every year after 2010, my grandfather always went out to buy an actual tree, despite the risks of falling in the ice, dropping it, etc. In all honesty though, I do not feel bad about it. While he has that risk of falling each year when taking the tree into the house, he at least respected a little girl’s beliefs in Christmas magic enough to purchase real trees, despite all of my claims being absurd.

Shae Bedilion is a sophomore and first year Journalism student.
Shae likes to draw and create 3D models in her free time.