Shining Memory
One of my favorite holiday memories was when I was about seven or eight years old. On Christmas Eve, my family and I had all gone up to my pap’s house for a Christmas Eve party. All of my cousins, aunts, uncles and other relatives were there, too. The party started around eight or nine at night and we stayed until like eleven. After we ate and did our gift exchange and other activities, my aunt had suggested that we get on the computer to track and see where Santa was at that moment. I remember getting all excited that I got to actually got to see where Santa was. After we tracked him, we discovered that he was in the United States and I started to panic that we were not going to be home in time for Santa to come. I told my mom that we had to hurry up and leave so we could get home. When we walked outside, as we were going up the hill towards our car, I still remember looking up and seeing a flashing red light in the sky and I started screaming “It’s Rudolph’s nose! There is Santa, mom!” Looking back, my guess was that it was just an airplane, but I got so excited about it. When we got home, I insisted that my mom got on the computer and would check to see where Santa was so that I could hurry up and go to bed. My mom had told me that he would be here shortly so I had better hurry and go to bed. That night was one of my favorite holiday memories.

Carrington Teasdale is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
Carrington is a member of the Student Council and Academic Team. She is also...