There are eight officially recognized planets in our solar system. Will one of them be another home for us humans?
“If Mars does not have the water we think it does, we will not be able to live there.”―
Mars seems to be a planet that is being looked as a future home for humans. If Earth wasn’t a thing, Mars could be our option -but will we survive? So far, scientists have found that there is no way to live on Mars, but with the right technology, we as humans, could live on Mars. Humans cannot live without water, and maybe Mars has that, but Mars doesn’t have air either. There seems to be no point in living on Mars.
“It’s not going to do any good to land on Mars if we’re stupid.”-Ray Bradbury
I agree with this statement 100%! This idea of living on Mars is pretty stupid in my opinion. Mars being a new home for humans just doesn’t seem right. I would rather die on Earth than be tortured on Mars for the rest of my life. Mars had nothing on it! There is no reason for us to live on a planet that has no air and no water.
In conclusion, the idea of living on Mars isn’t the smartest idea for humans. The idea needs to be put away, and more time should be spent on sustaining life on Earth.