Human Pig Embryos Made, Now Destroyed,+now+Destroyed
Scientist who created the first pig embryo destroyed it for various reasons. To be able to grow embryos in different bodies of species has been a long life dream for scientist. Scientist took human organs and put them in the bodies of animals. Scientist used stem cell technologies to generate human cells and tissues into the embryos of pigs and cattle. It took scientist a while to figure this out. They started with putting different animal cells in other animals, like rats and mice. They call this the “chimera”.
“This is a very cool opportunity to experience. The scientist have worked really hard to get where they are, I think this can be a new future,” said Madison Kovach.
Scientist started out by making a mouse embryo without a pancreas. They then grew a rat pancreas in a mouse. Once the embryo grew the mouse was healthy and lived a full life span. Furthering their research they developed rat hearts and eye within mice embryos. For the start of humans researchers turned adult cells back into stem cells and then planting them in the pig. They use pigs because both pig and human organs develop around the same time, unlike a rat or a mouse organ. Their goal of growing human cells in an animal has not worked just yet, but researchers say it may take quite some time to figure it out.
“They just wanted to see if the cells would survive during gestation, and they did, and they kind of migrated here and there to various sites, except the brain, which is interesting,” said Hyun, who was not involved in the research.
“I would argue, as long as you are avoiding the brain, or there’s not a significant change to the brain, of structure and possible functioning, then I don’t think you even need to go down that philosophical path. Though as a philosopher, it might be “fun” for him, it’s not a wise or practical thing to do for policy,” said Hyun.
Overall Scientist are trying to create new ways for the living. They are gonna use these for new findings in their research. It can be for disease or anything they can find it for. This will take much more time though, but it will be worth the wait.

Sydney Kovach is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
Kovach participates in the Greene County Rabbit Club with 4-H, and shows at the Jacktown...