Is the Repeal of Obamacare Bad?

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Cedric Claytor is a 29-year-old paralyzed man who may lose his life due to the repeal of Obamacare. Claytor developed Budd-Chiari Syndrome. It is a rare liver disease that causes blood clots throughout his whole body.
Claytor’s disease ended up damaging his liver that he had to get a transplant. Before his transplant, his bills were already up to $600,000-$800,000. His insurance company stopped paying for his treatment after the $1 million lifetime limit according to CNN. This is when the family found Obamacare. The Clayton family was struggling a lot and they were happy with the Affordable Care Act.
“I feel like Obamacare is good for people who have serious health problems. Getting rid of it may hurt a lot of people who seriously need it. It makes me sad that I can not help those who might struggle due to the repeal of Obamacare,” said Sabrina Phillips.
Cedric’s mom and dad have been struggling with getting the money. The mother, Mary Ann Claytor, has quit her job due to having to take care of her son. He needs constant attention to stay alive. Howard, the father, still has his job. The family relies on his insurance and paycheck to financially help them. “We make good money, and it’s still hard to get by,” Howard said. “If it weren’t for Obamacare, Cedric would be dead a long time ago, and we’d be out on the street.”
“Obamacare was very helpful to some people who have health problems. I think it will affect people negatively when it’s gone. It makes me angry knowing that people may not be able to pay for their health bills due to this repeal,” said Alex Manteau.
“We’re not rich,” Mary Ann said. “We’re in the middle class that keeps getting beat down.” The family has been helped a lot by Obamacare. They’re worried for their future. Their child’s life may be in danger due to this repeal. Cedric’s whole living room is filled with health equipment that costs a lot of money. Without it, he may die or have even worse problems. Although there are people who don’t like Obamacare, it did help others.

Erin Johnson is a junior and a first year Journalism student.
Johnson participates in Chorus, Library Club, marching band and Drama Club. She is the...