Forgotten in Society
I think as a society we have forgotten “all men are created equal.” I feel this is something important we all need to bring back. Clearly being that we are a society and there are many of us, we are all different and do not all agree, but the way we handle things should not be a thing. Nowadays, people tend to turn others away and make them feel any more less just because they are not the same as you or I. The world we live in is not going to be perfect, but coming together as one helps bring about new things in our lives. It betters how we live and the way we live when we are able to have around us people who want to be accepted just the way we do. Not everyone is going to get along all the time and that is O.K, but if we can accept people for who they are it would make this world come together more. Just loving one another should be important to everyone. Especially when you or I feel the way we do about certain things. We want people to like us for who we are, so why not like return the favor and like others for who they are? It is about the way a person feels. It can be a negative thing or a positive thing. Think of it as a way to stop all the hate and drama. Example, you and I wouldn’t want to be hated on for our long hair so why hate on someone else who has short hair and loves it? The way we look at things will be the way we treat one another as a society who lives here in the same world.

Morgan Kutek is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
She is a member of the Leo Club, participates in her high school varsity volleyball team...