Bright Lights Become Rude
One rule that society has forgotten, in my opinion, is respect for others. My main point is about kids, and even adults for that matter, in a movie theater on their phone. It is not only a shame that people can not stay off of their phones long enough to watch a movie, but it is also so disrespectful to others who want to watch a movie. For example, in the middle of a movie when someone is getting text messages and phone calls, they do not even have the decency to turn it on vibrate, it gets very annoying after a while. People pay to watch a movie and enjoy the movie for that matter, not to be distracted by a phone ringing every three minutes. Even just being on the phone and having the light shine is very distracting and disrespectful. There is even a commercial that says, “Please silent your cell phone,” and people can not even follow that one simple request. There really is no point in paying to watch a movie, if they are not even going to watch it and be on their cell phones the entire movie. Even if the person sat in the corner with their phone on vibrate, and their brightness all the way down, that is still rude. In all honesty, there is nothing that important to be dealing with that they can not watch a movie for a little over an hour, and if there was, they should not come out to the movie in the first place. It would save the person money and it would not be disrespecting others.

Carrington Teasdale is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
Carrington is a member of the Student Council and Academic Team. She is also...