Rules of Society
One rule of society that we have forgotten in politeness, not very many people are really polite to each other anymore these days. Like when a guy wants to go on a date with a girl he should ask her in person not over a text message or snapchat.
Really no one answers to anybody by their name or the way they should. Everybody uses “hey” or “what” they don’t show the correct way they should be acting. Everybody in my generation was raised to show good manners and no one really does anymore.
People don’t open up the doors for people exiting a place as you’re going in, or when you are walking and run into someone people don’t say “excuse me”. See if you are walking into a building and you run into someone that is coming out, and you run into them, You should say “excuse me, I’m sorry” and hold the door as they continue to walk out of the building, wait for them to come out and then you go in right after them.
Most teenagers do not show correct manners to their elders the way that they should, they should show as much respect to them as they were talking to the president.
It really bothers me when seeing a teenager disrespecting a elderly person or their teacher. Pepole should really show politeness to the whole society, becuase you don’t know what that other person as been through in their life, so wh

Dalton Fowler is a senior and a first year journalism student.
Dalton is a member and senior captain of the Jefferson-Morgan Football team. He is also...