Welcome to the Internet
The Internet is an incredible new phenomenon. It has connected people like never before, allowing them to share pictures, photos, conversations, and more with one another. However, the internet is also dangerous and vitriolic to those uninitiated in its ways, and this can be a very bad thing.
The Internet is, for the most part, totally anonymous. Aside from websites where the point is to share personal information like dating sites and social networking sites, no one knows who you are unless you tell them. Even then, you probably won’t know who the person really is.
This anonymity has given rise to a peculiar set of behavior among many of its users. When people are given a place where they are unknown and anonymous, they tend to behave and conduct themselves differently than they would in person. They can type or post whatever they want, and they are protected by anonymity and freedom of speech. Even the sweetest person can be a monster to others on the internet.
This has given rise to behavior such as ‘trolling.’ This is when an individual posts something online with the intent of instigating. They want people to react to it, as they enjoy seeing people get offended, sad, angry, whatever. These can range from just silly, obnoxious pranks to death threats and insults, even hacking someone’s computer.
Trolls thrive on the reactions they can get out of others. The bigger, louder, and more bombastic the reaction, the funnier and more enjoyable trolling someone is to them. This makes common targets for them children, as children just don’t know any better to identify when someone is looking to instigate. Trolls don’t have to try very hard, and can get ‘hilarious’ reactions out of these children.
The bottom line is that this behavior isn’t exactly nice, and it seems the Internet has made people forget this. It’s sad that there are people out there that derive entertainment from causing misery to others. Trolls are just sort of a new form of bullying. It can, however, be easily prevented; do not respond to them. As stated, they thrive on reactions. Deprive them of that, and they’ll leave you alone. Just remember to stay cool on the internet. Just because it’s anonymous, doesn’t mean you have to be a jerk. Be polite and respectful. You might make more friends online this way.

Cory Tretinik is a junior and first year Journalism student.
He is a member of the Drama Club and National Honor Society, and participates in Academic...