Where has politeness gone?
Many people do not demonstrate politeness.
I see students and adult alike refusing to show simple politeness and kindness to each other. I barely see people saying a simple “please” and “thank you”. While walking down the hallways of school, instead of saying “excuse me”, students instead like to push and shove each other to get where they need to go.
You barely hear anyone say ”bless you” when someone sneezes. Simple politeness can go a long way with people. Saying “excuse me” when trying to get around someone is a lot nicer that just shoving past someone without saying a word. It is polite to show common courtesy to others instead of just ignoring them. Saying “Please” and “Thank you” when receiving something from someone shows that you appreciate it. Telling someone “hello” or “good morning” is a polite way to start a conversation, and can make a person’s day better.
Personally, I always tell the lunch ladies “please” and “thank you” when in the lunch line. I believe it is generally nice to be polite to people and it is sad that in the present day most people have forgotten how much being polite and nice is. Having the courtesy to say something nice to someone can say a lot about one’s character.
Students and adults alike are guilty of ignoring

Braylee Pierce is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
She is a member of the Jefferson-Morgan Rocket Band. She is an active member in the...