The movie screenplay writers of Deadpool are Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. The movie was directed by Tim Miller. I believe this is a good movie because it has a good amount of action with a good bit of comedy and has a romantic story line thrown into it too. The only bad thing about the movie was that kids wanted to see Deadpool, but there were too many bad scenes and vulgar language for kids under thirteen to hear.
The genres of Deadpool is an action, comedy, and fantasy. It is a action movie because it is superheroes fighting. It is comedy because there are many jokes in it. It is fantasy because the superheros are fighting each other and destroying a city to take down a villain, just to find and save the love of their life.
Deadpool is a former special force operator who find out he has multiple types of cancer. He goes to a scientist, named Ajax, that says he can cure him. Instead of curing him, he tortures him and gives him superhuman healing abilities. He then tried to track Ajax down to get revenge. While he is doing that he tries to get back in touch with his wife, who thinks he has died.
Some good quotes from the movie to understand the author’s writing of the script are, “Say the magic words fat Gandalf,” and “I had another Liam Neeson nightmare. I kidnapped his daughter and he just wasn’t having it.” There are many more funny quotes from the movie.
In my personal opinion, I liked the movie. I liked how there were just a little bit of every genre in the movie. I personally think that the comedy in the movie made the movie better.

Matthew Shultz is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
Shultz plays on the high school basketball team.
Shultz's hobbies include playing with...