After School Tutoring

(Photo credit Yahoo answers)
After School tutoring is available for students who are struggling with any math class with Mrs. Simatic, on Wednesday and Thursdays.
Students if they need additional help should consider or even try after school tutoring with Mrs. Simatic, if they require it. As much as 8 students are the regulars who stay after school tutoring. The tutoring lasts from 2:47 to 3:30, and usually happens on Wednesdays, unless a Wednesday is missed than it will happen on the next day that is available.
Reyna Monge is one of the regular students who takes the opportunity of additional help. “I go to math tutoring almost every week that is offered because I could use some additional help when it comes to my algebra, because I learn better in a one on one with the teacher.” Normally at least 3 students go to tutoring everyday it’s offered. In a small class setting like this one it is easier for a student’s questions to be answered.
If a student is struggling and could use some additional help, but can’t get it while in class, they should stay after school and try tutoring. Tutoring can’t hurt to try and everyone who is taking it says that it has benefited them. Some Algebra 1 students who don’t have classes with Mrs. Samatic stay after school to do their homework, and occasionally ask from help from Simatic.
Reyna Monge who often goes to tutoring now after having some struggles in her math class with her homework, now she goes to tutoring and has noticed some improvements in class. “At first I thought after school tutoring was a waste of time, but for only 30 minutes out of a week, it is very beneficial.”
Just 30 minutes out of a week will help, even if it something as small as help with a handful homework problems. Even just help with a couple problems can help you grasp a concept that you could be missing.
Reyna Monge said “I recommend that anyone who has 30 minutes after school to stay, it is very worth it and can make your math seem less stressful.”
Math tutoring is something that is overlooked by stressed out students, but it should be considered. So that the struggling students can perform to the best of their algebraic abilities.

Noah Barno is a junior and a second year Journalism student.
Noah Barno helps at churches and other organizations (such as food drives and festivals.)