The Malawi Project

(Photo Credit via
Eva Humpreys is doing a service program in Jefferson Morgan.
The story behind the project is about a man who was helping out in underdeveloped African countries, specifically Malawi. The man discovered that medications were disturbed in an unsafe way because there was no other affordable option, and he wanted to help. This information is how this whole project started.
When asked about how you can help out in the program Eva said, “If you want to help out all you have to do is send in empty pill bottles”. Sending in empty label less pill bottles to Malawi Africa will help out those who are in need of clean medications. The whole purpose of the pill bottles are so they can provide a safe way to distribute medication as opposed to a piece of paper. The medications that the people in Africa are use are not safe and can be harmful.
The Malawi Project Inc. is collecting these little orange bottles as part of their program, “Medicine Bottles for Malawi. The only thing keep their medicine safe now is torn pieces of paper in which to wrap medicine for their patients. This is often seen in rural hospitals and villages where the poorest of the nation try to live and survive.
“The project started in mid late October”, said Eva. Having Eva bring up the idea of this program to Jefferson Morgan was such a good thing. It is so easy and simple to help out for the cause. Just bring in a clean bottle then boom you’re done. The point is to give help to medical facilities in an underdeveloped country safely distribute medicine in such an easy way.
The Malawi Project Inc is a 501c3 humanitarian organization established in 1999 in the United States of America in order to supply humanitarian, medical, educational, food and other aid programs to the nation of Malawi and other African nations. Just think that buy donating you help out families and medical facilities that can’t afforded to use pill bottle.
“I really enjoy doing this, I like knowing that I can help others in such a good cause”, said Eva. Please anyone who has empty bottles just sitting at home, bring them in! Just be bringing in 1 bottle can help out 1 family. Make a difference in the world and help the Malawi people.
Send any pill bottles to Eva Humpreys or place them in room 207 during homeroom.

Hayley Palone is a junior and a second year Journalism student.
Hayley likes to play Xbox, spend time with friends, fish, and she is always up to do...