Shrek the Musical
Auditions for the Jefferson-Morgan Shrek the Musical were held on November 13 after school. Students had to sing and dance for their audition. All students had to try out in front of Mr. Moore by speaking their part(s) and then singing their song selection from the musical. Many students showed up for auditions, and Corey Tretinik got the role of Shrek. There are 4 main characters in Shrek the Musical which are Shrek, Princess Fiona, Donkey, and Lord Farquaad. Princess Fiona will be played by Katrina Schmolke, Peyton Knoble will be playing Donkey, and the role of Lord Farquaad went to Eli Rafail.
A lot of the students in the musical have more than one character to portray. Paige Stanko will be playing the roles of the Knight, Mama Ogre, one of the three blind mice, and the Sugar Plum Fairy. She was questioned about her parts and if she has a favorite. “I do not really think that I have a favorite character out of the ones I am playing. I am just excited to do them all for their qualities,” says Stanko.
With many different parts, comes lots of responsibility and practice. Everyone will feel different about the play and how it will go, but many hopes it goes well. Paige Stanko feels that the musical will be great. Stanko also stated that there are a lot of talented people this year, so it should be great.
What students had to do for the auditions was say a few lines from the musical in front of Scot Moore (who is directing the musical) and sing a section of a song that is in Shrek. For many people this is the first time they have ever acted on stage for a Jefferson-Morgan play/musical. For Paige, this is the first school play she has ever been in. “This is not the first play I have been in but it is the first school play I have taken part in with the school.”
Having many different parts to play and act, comes lots of responsibility and practice. Mr. Moore does hold practices after school, but for people that is not enough to learn all of their lines and parts. Also, some people may like to act outside of the school, for some extra practice. Paige Stanko is one of those people who never really acted with the school, but always acted outside. Paige stated that outside of the school she performed in many different plays such as The Wizard of Oz and the Amazing Technicolored Dreamcoat.
The rest of the student body wishes the best to all the students taking part in Shrek the Musical, and to Mr. Moore who is the director of the play musical. This musical will be preformed on February 26-28, and Moore hopes to see everyone there.

Caroline DePhillips is a senior and a third year Journalism student.
Caroline DePhillips participates in Teen Group for her church, Washington Alliance...