The Best Christmas
Closeup cropped image of a couple holding hands across a table filled with food
The best Christmas I’ve had was in 2013. 2013 was a rough year for my whole entire family; a lot of things went wrong throughout the year. I remember that Christmas Day wasn’t the best. It was just another day; it was nothing special.
We went to my grandmas for Christmas dinner and I remember seeing an extra plate on the table. I was confused because it was only my family, grandparents and my great grandma there. We sat down at the table to get ready to eat then all of a sudden there was a knock on their door. My aunt walked into the door and I remember the smile on all of our faces. My aunt was gone for a very long time and, honestly, seeing her on Christmas was the best present I could have ever gotten.
It was such a long nine months of not seeing her, having her there at Christmas brought so much joy to all of us. The Christmas dinner was just so surreal with her there. Everyone was happy and I loved that. We were able to enjoy our Christmas dinner and the entire day, because she was there.

Hayley Palone is a junior and a second year Journalism student.
Hayley likes to play Xbox, spend time with friends, fish, and she is always up to do...