My School Year is Halfway Over…


My school year is halfway done and I feel like I still have a lot to accomplish. This school year is going kind of fast now, due to the amount of work being done every day. Over the past several months I have really been setting goals and trying to accomplish them by the time I graduate. This year I feel like it is going a lot faster than usual, but it’s school and that’s what I expect.

The goals I set for myself are really just the ones, in which I want to do sports wise. All year long I just have this feeling like I’m going to prove to myself and make it further than before. I want to do good not only academic wise but sports wise. My last sport that I probably will ever participate in is track and field. I feel like I can really do something this year, since I won a silver medal last year at sections and I really want to push myself and win the gold. I always say to myself, if I win the silver, I only lose the gold and I mean a silver medals good, but a gold medal is a lot better.

Overall, I am halfway through the year and I am already feeling like I’m doing something meaningful in my life and that I want to accomplish so much more. I just want to leave on a high note and something that I can remember for the rest of my life.