Student Council

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Student Council at Jefferson Morgan is an extracurricular activity. Members of the student council are voted in by their peers. Like many others. Our students council is involved in many different activities and fundraisers to help out the community. The objective of student council is to help make the community a better place for both the children and their parents.
Student council helps students out by teaching them a very valuable lesson. The lesson that these students learn is they should always help other out. Many good things can come out of helping and being kind to others. Student council also teachers leadership, team building, how to make a difference with their actions. This years president for student council is Jamie Lawrence.
The student council has done a number of fundraisers for others such as the pennies for patients, where students raised money for children with cancer. Student council was also in charge of the powder puff games. All of the money raised from these games was given a young boy with cancer from our community. The littlest action of help can have the biggest impact on someone, and student council makes that possible.
Read more at Student Council Dance Marathon.

Brooke Weir is a senior and a third year Journalism student.
Brooke Weir is a member in volleyball and track and participates in dance.
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