Benefits of High School Classes
High school can be the best times of people’s lives. It’s about having fun and being with your friends. However, taking the school aspect seriously is just as important as making it fun for you. The courses in high school can set students up for success down the line. Classes might seem pointless and dumb to some people at first, but they have their benefits, even if it’s not the course material itself. It could be life lessons that are learned within the classroom. Even things like test taking skills and discipline within a group of people. All of these skills can be used in either the real world or in college. Somehow they will benefit a student who takes them seriously in the long run.
Students honestly don’t take classes seriously all the time. Some may slack off or cheat just because they are lazy and they just don’t care. Doing that won’t prepare them for the real world in any way, shape, or form. Classes need to be taken seriously in order to gain their full benefit. They really will help people out in the long run, whether they know it or not.
People who take classes seriously will really be strides ahead of others who don’t whenever they come out of high school. If students really want to gain the full benefit of high school, aside from just the fun aspect, they need to take classes seriously.

Eli Rafail is a senior and a second year Journalism student.
Eli participates in sports and activities in school including football, baseball, band,...