Every Second Counts
School is a very important part of life. Essentially, it sets everyone up for their future and their life. The sad thing is that students do not take school as serious as they should. This may either be because they think that school is pointless, or they are too lazy to apply themselves to prepare for the real world after high school.
The start of life starts when students walk off of that stage on graduation day. Everything that they have done up until that point has prepared them to succeed in their future. There is a lot of information that is being taught to students that they may never need in their life, whether it is because they chose an occupation that does not require those tools or whatever the reason is, but there will be an exceeding amount of topics that teachers teach in school that will be needed to start a career. For example, students are required to take the SATS, so everything that is on that exam has been taught in school. If students were goofing off and not taking school serious, they will most likely not pass this and if they expect to get into a good college and start their career, they would have needed to give their undivided attention to what the teachers were teaching.
Overall, students should take school serious because it is a building block of life, and it will definitely help them to succeed in whatever they chose to do after high school.

Carrington Teasdale is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
Carrington is a member of the Student Council and Academic Team. She is also...