Gateway to Life
In school you should always try your hardest. High school is a gateway to the rest of your life.
When you plan to go to college or work they will want to look at your transcripts from high school to see how well you did in school. Everyone looks at the how you have done in high school. If you screw up your high school performance, you have a chance that you may never be hired. You are only in high school for four years, make the best of it. You have so much to come when you graduate. High school also prepares you for life after school. If someone asked you to breakdown your taxes from your job could you do it. High school is a building block for life afterwards. You hear that you will miss school once you leave. Most of the students in high school say that they will not miss this place once they graduate. Graduation is something that all high school students dream about because they feel that their lives can finally begin.
Never wish that you can be done with school because you may need something that you learn in high school. High school may feel like a burden but high school is there to help you get ready for life. High school is to help bring out the best in you.

Cameron Celaschi is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
Cameron does not have any clubs or activates.
Cameron like to hunt, fish, and ride...