On Friday, November 3rd, Jefferson-Morgan held a pep rally in the high-school gymnasium. Every time Jefferson-Morgan has a home game or playoffs, the school holds a pep rally. This was the first pep rally accompanying a playoffs game.
This pep rally consisted of two games. The first game consisted of a mat and a bunch of students. The name of the game is to have one student lay on the mat and the rest roll under the mat to move it across the gym, almost like surfing. The first group of students to make it win; the football players won this time.
“It was a very unique but chaotic activity to watch,” said Casey Herrod.
The second game was mummifying various teachers from the school district. Students had to wrap a teacher in toilet paper as fast as possible and the winner was voted by all the students in attendance. The winner of this competition was declared to be Alexis Burkett, who wrapped Mrs. Colebank.
“I thought the challenge was very intense to watch but the winners rightfully won as they should’ve,” said Karlee Crockard.