Helping Others
A way that I help for the holiday season is that my Neighbors always ask me to help them on December 3rd because they are really old like in their 70s-80s and they asked me to help them put up their Christmas lights and their trees, and mostly help them around the house I would have to help if I am home, because of basketball and softball and everything like that. So they ask me to help them so I do if I can.
And that I really like to help them because the one neighbor falls a lot and the she would have to go to the hospital because she is getting too old. Then after Christmas I would have to help them again with all of the stuff that they need help with. Then when I’m done with the Christmas decorations they will pay me 10 dollars, and I tell them that I don’t want their money, because I have the money that I need and they can just keep that money that they keep trying to give to me.

Krista McCartney is a sophomore and a first year Journalism student.
Krista McCartney is member of the basketball and softball teams.
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