Forget the Rest, Do Your Best

Troy Wright

More stories from Troy Wright

Feel the Spirit
May 23, 2022


AP Tests will be happening throughout the month of May and all AP tests will be happening in room 207. Students will have to report to their test taking class 30 minutes before the test starts.

The AP Government test will be Monday, May 2nd at 8 A.M. The AP Environmental Science test will be Tuesday, May 3rd at 8 A.M. The AP English Literature and Composition test will be Wednesday, May 4th at 8 A.M. The AP Statistics test will be Thursday, May 5th at 8 A.M. The AP Calculus test will be Monday, May 9th at 8 A.M. The AP Computer Science test will be Monday, May 9th at 12 P.M. The AP English Language and Composition test will be Tuesday, May 10th at 8 A.M. The AP Biology test will be Wednesday, May 11th at 12 P.M. The AP Physics test will be Thursday, May 12th at 12 P.M.

If you have any more further questions or concerns please contact any AP teachers or visit