Come and Enjoy a Show by the Jefferson-Morgan Drama Club

Plan the end of your week with the Drama Club!

The Jefferson-Morgan High School Drama Club is having a fall play on November 18th, 19th, and 20th.  It is located in the Auditorium. On Friday and Saturday, it will start at 7 PM. We are having a matinee on Sunday which will start at 2 PM. If you are interested in coming to see the show, tickets are $5 for adults and students.

The shows are called The Variations of the Death of Trotsky, and The Wild Bunch of Women. Each show is under an hour long. The Drama Club had a lot of fun doing this certain play because they really used their creativity throughout the show. They would like you all to come out and see the play they are doing. So sneak in some time for Drama club this week Friday through Sunday.

If you would like to know more about upcoming shows or want to be in one email, [email protected]