When we celebrate Valentine’s Day, we think of roses, chocolates, love and Cupid. The true story behind this little boy with his bow and arrows isn’t what we all thought.
Cupid, who is also known as Eros in the mythology world, was more powerful than any other god. Cupid was seen more as a heart throb than a cherub. Cupid (Eros), is also the son of Aphrodite. Aphrodite is the goddess of love; she would play with the hearts of other mortals and gods to cause mayhem.
Cupid was just a teen when he was considered to be handsome but threatening, all because he used his power for people to fall in love. Some say that the more he makes you fall in love with someone, it will just cause more tragedy. Most of Cupid’s stories were linked around his mother’s problems.
Valentine’s Day got more popular during the 18th century but became an official holiday during the 14th century.