During Christmas, decorated and unique trees are showcased to honor Jesus Christ’s birth and resurrection. Additionally, distinct colors like red or blue are utilized through ribbons or ornaments.
On December 25th, Jesus was known to be born, however, the bible doesn’t state the distinct date, but a Roman emperor, Christian, was also known to construct the holiday, which regardless of how, later became a tradition to symbolize and honor Jesus. Jesus has rescued and altered the world’s perspective by risking his life for others, which shifted various perspectives, allowing a holiday to resemble Jesus. Additionally, most say the tree’s shape is triangular, representing the Trinity; or a belief that God exists as or in three divine persons. Similarly, a rumor states that a guy cut a small fur sapling from a forest and placed it in a chapel or a private place of worship, as a symbol of Christ. Later within each year, the sapling grew and caught one’s attention, allowing the tree to be used during the Christmas holidays. After the realization, different people with various beliefs came together to assort and construct a holiday to resemble Jesus through a tree and specific colors. For example, in multiple stores, wreaths, ribbons, mistle toes, holly leaves, and the cross are used to honor Jesus. Each object displays red, which symbolizes Jesus’s blood and sacrifices. Similarly, the green color symbolizes Earth and life, which Jesus sacrificed himself to save.
Briefly, Christmas and Christmas trees symbolize Jesus, which later became a tradition celebrated by various objects and is celebrated throughout the world.