Football Senior Night

(Photo Credit via Kim Coles)
This Friday, October 14, is senior night for Jefferson-Morgan’s band, cheerleaders, and football.
Going into senior year can feel crazy and different for anyone. Jacob Van Divner, a member of the football team, said, “It is surreal. I have seen groups of seniors come and go, but I never thought about it being my time to go.” Senior year is the year for most seniors to look back and think about all their high school years and everything that they look place in. Eli Rafail, quarterback of the football team, participates in many different activities. “I do baseball, band, football, and participate in drama club, SADD, National Honor Society, Leo Club, and Academic Team.”
Senior year means time for graduating. Graduation brings both happy and sad tears. Dylan Crockard, left tackle on the JM football team, stated that he is excited to be graduating. This is because Dylan is ready to see what life is like on his own and start college. With the happy ones also comes the people who do not want to leave. Diari Davis, member of the football team, explained that he was kind of sad to leave Jefferson-Morgan. Jacob Van Divner also has mixed feelings about graduating. Even though he will miss this place and all the memories that come with it, Jacob is ready to see what the rest of his life holds.
The last year of a high school career also means it is time to look back at of the great moments students had while participating in activities/ sports. “My proudest moment while playing football was blocking for my friends and knowing that I did my job in securing their safety, but I am proud every time I am out on the field.” said Dylan Crockard. Diari Davis also shared his proudest football moment, “My proudest moment was during my first game ever when I recovered a fumble.”
Most seniors already have in mind of what they would like to do after high school. Eli Rafail and Dylan Crockard both plan to attend college to become an engineer, while Jacob Van Divner plans to attend WVU to obtain a degree in education and return to JM to teach.
Good luck to all of the seniors in the future!

Brooke Weir is a senior and a third year Journalism student.
Brooke Weir is a member in volleyball and track and participates in dance.
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