Snow Days
My favorite way to spend snow days when school is cancelled is to stay home and build things. I always end up building something crazy. Last year, I built a snowman that was 10 feet tall. When I was finished with the snowman, I got on my four wheeler and hit the snowman. I plan to build some crazy things this year. I also like to have monkey ball and snowball battles with my brother. We build giant walls in our backyard and find frozen monkey balls or snowballs to throw at each other. The first one that gets hit loses.
On snow days, I also like to turn the heat all the way up in my house and sleep. On a snow day last year, I had nothing to do so I turned the heat all the way up and I fell asleep. I did not wake up until the next morning.
The last thing that I like to do on snow days is shovel snow. Most people do not like to shovel snow, but I do. I do not get paid to shovel snow but I do crazy things when I shovel. Last year on a snow day, I woke up early and went outside to shovel snow. My dad had his car warming up so he could go to work. When I was done shoveling snow, I got bored, so I made a giant pile of snow and I completely covered my dads car in snow. He did not even get mad, but the next day when I got home, he threw a monkey ball at me.

Jadon O’Neal is a freshman and first year Journalism student
Jadon is a member of the football and basketball teams.
Jadon likes to play sports,...