Snow Days Are The Best Days
Snow days are the best kind of days during school. You wake up early dreading that you have to go to school. Then all of a sudden your phone rings and no school! From there you got to figure out what you are going to do with your day off. Normally my favorite thing to do is to lie around and play video games with my friends. Considering that you won’t be able to see them because your parents won’t travel. Typically I enjoy staying in and playing my video games with my friends but other than that, I enjoy sled riding and shoveling the snow for my neighbors. When the roads aren’t too bad typically I like to round up a few of my friends and go out and sled ride with them. Other than that I enjoy going out and making a few extra bucks and helping my neighbors out with their driveways or sidewalks. Even if they don’t pay me I still enjoy helping them. Staying in and playing video games with my friends is still my favorite thing to do while we sit at home on our snow day. Snow days are the best, knowing that you don’t have to sit in a desk all day and in the classroom is very relieving. If you don’t enjoy snow days then there is something wrong with you, it’s a god given day off school basically. There shouldn’t be anything that you don’t enjoy about a snow day. Besides you may get bored, but there is so much you can do while on a snow day.

Dalton Fowler is a senior and a first year journalism student.
Dalton is a member and senior captain of the Jefferson-Morgan Football team. He is also...