Staying Home On A Snow Day
Typically on a snow day, my favorite thing to do is sit inside in my warm pajamas. I also like to sit around and play video games. My favorite game to play is Grand Theft Auto V. Also, whenever I’m home on a snow day I love to drink hot coco. My all-time favorite thing to do is sleep though. On snow days I probably sleep most of the day. Also I love to just sit around and do nothing. Usually, my friends and I hangout if we have time or we just do absolutely nothing at all. I’m really excited for my first snow day this year. We usually get a lot of snow around Christmas. Not to mention I’m really excited for Christmas break as well. During that time I love spending time with my family and just opening presents is always a blast.
I think that snow days should be just a lazy day dedicated to sleeping and fun. I think this year on our first couple snow days I might do a few different things maybe go skiing or something. My favorite thing to do on a snow day is wake up early, turn on the news and see that we are closed, it’s so exciting.

Kedar Davis is a senior and a first year journalism student.
Kedar is a member of the football and basketball team.
Kedar has many hobbies that include...