Social Media
Social media may honestly be the biggest social issue in the world today. It can be and is a very great and powerful asset in the world that benefits anyone that chooses to use it. However, it is not out of the ordinary for people to misuse such a powerful tool. Many students use it for all the wrong reasons. The misuse of social media leads to many problems while it instead should be used to only benefit people.
Bullying over social media is a horrible thing. Many people put other students down while they are hidden behind their phones. It is extremely unnecessary for things like that happen regularly. Not only does it make the victim look bad, but it also puts the person who is putting others down look like a bad person. People who see that that’s wrong will have negative emotions towards the bully instead of the victim. It honestly just starts bad things for everyone.
Something that has happened in our school in the past are Twitter fights. Not only have they happened within the school but people have taken fights to other schools. Many students find them entertaining, and as much as that may be true, they still aren’t right. It just makes everyone involved look bad. If individuals really have a problem with each other, they should just settle it between themselves. There is absolutely no reason to make it public like that.
Many positives come out of the use of social media and it is an amazing thing. Unfortunately, the negatives seem to outweigh the positives. That’s usually the case with many things. People just need to be smarter with their use of it and it wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

Eli Rafail is a senior and a second year Journalism student.
Eli participates in sports and activities in school including football, baseball, band,...