Student Voices
Social media is a big issue for students not only is it and issue but it consumes most of our daily lives.
In this day and age, almost everyone has a smart phone. On our smartphones, almost every social media app provided. We are so focused on social media we don’t even realize it. From the time we wake up till the time we lay down we are on phones checking for the newest media update. Regardless of what we are doing we are checking our phones. Researchers say the average teen will go back from app to app about 3 times per minute. I think that it is a major distraction as well. In class students choose not to do their work. They are more concerned about what is going on in the twitter or Facebook world. But I also believe that the use of social media is also very helpful to us. We have the entire world at the base of our fingers tips. And it doesn’t take very much to stay connected. Even babies are learning how to play on phones.
I believe this topic should be addressed between different groups of teenagers so that we can have different views.

Kedar Davis is a senior and a first year journalism student.
Kedar is a member of the football and basketball team.
Kedar has many hobbies that include...