Social Issues
A major social issue in the United States is shootings. Shootings occur in movie theaters or in schools. It makes people afraid to go out in public. Adults try to make school fun for kids, but when someone hears of a school shooting, it makes them not want to go to school. Also, movie theatres are supposed to be fun, and you are supposed to have a good time every time you go there, but when someone hears about a lot of shootings in movie theaters, it makes them not want to go see a movie because they are afraid to go out in public and watch a family. They are afraid because anyone can just bring a gun to a school or a movie theaters
Another social issue is bullying. Bullying is bad because it can ruin someones life. Bullying also makes people drop out of school because there is one person that is making them miserable. It can also make people commit suicide. If someone gets bullied to the point where the think that they can’t take it anymore, they end up committing suicide. If anyone witnesses bullying or knows someone who gets bullied, they should talk to an adult as soon as possible so the situation does not get any worse.
The last major social issue is texting and driving. Every year, hundreds of people get into car crashes or get killed because they were texting and driving or talking on the phone and driving. It is bad because people that are not texting and driving can get killed because of someone who is texting and driving.

Jadon O’Neal is a freshman and first year Journalism student
Jadon is a member of the football and basketball teams.
Jadon likes to play sports,...