Jadon O’Neal – Athlete Biography
Jadon O’Neal is a freshman and a member of the Jefferson-Morgan Rocket Basketball team.
Jadon likes basketball and finds it to be a good sport because of the competitions.
“My favorite thing about basketball is winning and having competition from other schools.” Jadon also responded “yes” to continuing his career in his sport and when asked why responded “Because it is a fun sport and I plan on having a basketball career after highschool.”
Jadon then stated that his most intense game last season was against Carmichaels.
“The most intense and important game I played last season was against Carmichaels. It was important because J-M and Carmichaels are rivals.” He also said that he is excited for next season, “because it is my first high school basketball season.”
Jadon started playing basketball in the third grade.
“I started because I needed to do something in the winter.” He then also stated that “The most difficult thing to do in basketball is running. The sport requires a lot of running.”
Jadon idolizes the professional team the Golden State Warriors.
“I am a fan of them because they have many small people and they don’t use big people.”

Braylee Pierce is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
She is a member of the Jefferson-Morgan Rocket Band. She is an active member in the...