Michael Pochron – Athlete Biography
Michael Pochron is a senior and a member of the rifle team.
In order to be on the rifle team, students must be able to accurately shoot a .22 rifle with open sights from 50 feet while prone. Practices are every day of the week, matches are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They travel all over Greene County, neighboring counties, and as they have traveled Woodland Hills, Butler, and Plum.
“My father and my grandfather inspired me to join the rifle team. My grandfather inspired me because he was in a rifle team when he was a young man and he was in the army. He was the best in Fort Jackson. It made him so happy to see his grandson was beginning to be like him,” said Pochron.
The championships went well last year according to Pochron. The team got the title of Section Champs and received 4th place in WPIALS. This allowed them to go to State Championships. Before the competition, Pochron warmed up by relaxing and making sure he was as calm as he could possibly be. Pochron’s role on varsity (top 10) is the eight best targets counted.
“My favorite memory was the first time I shot a 100 near perfect score because I knew I had the perfect Christmas gift for my grandpa,” said Pochron.
He hunts and believe that rifle helps with that. However shooting while hunting is only the basics such as calming ones self and maintaining accuracy while under pressure.
“I like shooting a lot. I prefer being on the rifle team than shooting sporting clays due to it being very relaxed and chill,” said Pochron.
Pochron will miss the rifle team when he graduates. He’ll miss the friendships and skills that were made to last a lifetime. He doesn’t plan on participating in rifle while in college, but he wants to come back to coach a team of his own.

Erin Johnson is a junior and a first year Journalism student.
Johnson participates in Chorus, Library Club, marching band and Drama Club. She is the...