Erik Sullenbarger – Athlete Biography
Erik Sullenbarger is a sophomore and a member of the track team.
This is Erik’s second year running track.
When Sullenbarger was asked, of all your teammates, past and present, from whom have you learned the most and why? He said, “Mike Pope, He helped me whenever I first started running.”
Sullenbarger was also asked what was your favorite season so far and why? Sullenbarger said, “My favorite season was last year because I did very well.”
When Sullenbarger was asked what kind of goals he has set for the indoor season and how are you feeling about your progress towards them? Sullenbarger said, “I’m trying to get my stamina up, I would practice this by running on the treadmill and I’m feeling great.”
I wanted to know what was the strangest thing Sullenbarger has ever seen during a race? Sullenbarger said, “I saw someone almost get hit with a javelin.”
Micah Stanko and Usain Bolt are two people Sullenbarger looks up to for track.
“I would go on a run with the person from unbroken because he was a great runner and he was humble.” Sullenbarger said this after he was asked if he could go on a run with anyone, dead or alive who would it be.

Kedar Davis is a senior and a first year journalism student.
Kedar is a member of the football and basketball team.
Kedar has many hobbies that include...