Gavin Teasdale – Athlete Biography
Gavin Teasdale is a sophomore and a member of the wrestling team.
Teasdale’s favorite part about wrestling is that he enjoys winning and making history. Teasdale said that he looks forward to wrestling in general this season.
“My least favorite part about wrestling is cutting weight,” says Teasdale.
Teasdale explains that his coaches help him accomplish his goals along with the fact that he says he is self driven.
Teasdale says that his goals for this season are to “win states and go undefeated.”
Teasdale said that he practices everyday pretty much.
If he were to give advice to someone who just started wrestling he said he would say, “Start off with the basics and be mentally tough.”
Teasdale said that his favorite technique is going upper body with his opponent because that is where he feels most comfortable.
His goal to accomplish before he graduates is that he wants to be a four time, undefeated state champion and win a world title.

Carrington Teasdale is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
Carrington is a member of the Student Council and Academic Team. She is also...