Aaron Mylan – Athlete Biography
Aaron Mylan is a senior and a member of the wrestling team.
Wrestling has always been a big part of Mylan’s life. Even when wrestling is not in season, he conditions his body by running and lifting, and he used to wrestle at Toss in Waynesburg. The sport has had a big effect on Mylan and has helped turn him into the person he is today.
“It gave me a good work ethic early on because of how hard the practices were, and it taught me that I had to work to get better,” Mylan says.
Mylan says that he is thankful to have been a part of a Jefferson-Morgan tradition, and that over the years, he has found great pleasure in helping and teaching younger wrestlers as they came through the program. As a senior, Mylan has some advice for younger members of the team.
“Just work hard even when it gets hard or if they can’t seem to win. Fight through it because it is worth it in the end.”
Being a senior, Mylan has a lot of fond memories to look back on. There have been many people who have helped him along the way during his wrestling career, including his father who is also one of his coaches! He speaks fondly of his coaches, and he recognizes the work that they have put into shaping him as a wrestler.
“I would just want to thank them for teaching me everything I know and thank them for pushing me beyond my limits while having fun at the same time.”
Mylan’s career as a Jefferson-Morgan wrestler has been full of fun, hard work, life lessons, friends and memories. It is clear that wrestling is a sport that Mylan holds dear to his heart and an experience that will continue to influence him even after he graduates.

Emma Frank is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
Emma serves as president of both National Honor Society and Leo Club, and she is captain of...