What Adults Don’t Realize
Adults need to be reminded about students and young adults with what we have to go though, we go through life with a lot on our shoulders.
Students go with a ton of stress from school work, peers and from themselves. From our school we need to perfect with everything we have when it has become ever so hard to do so, student are often told by parents and teachers to do the work but when they get so much, we get piled. Students have to get ready for college and study for every test, and yet we still make time for activities. School is more stressful in this day when technology pushes more work on us. Teachers have began to give us more work also to cram for tests.
Most student want to be the person everyone wants them to be. They pile a lot of items and books to study and continuously make matters worse for themselves, when they don’t have enough time to go out and do activities which take time off of our studying.

Blaine Cunningham is a freshmen and a first year Journalism student.
Blaine enjoys going camping and fishing, and he loves to travel with his family...