Adults Don’t realize
Adults need to remind teens that we are almost adults and that we need to grow up a little bit and not act like they are two years old because they are not they are getting to be a lot older and they could all so get a lot more responsibilities and that they can go to other places that adults go to. Then they also need to get reminded about how they need to act in public because when you get older you have to grow up and act like an adult when you are out in public and not act like you are two.
Another reason is that if you act like you are two then you will get treated like you are two and not be able to go where adults go and you will have to go where ever your parents go. Another way that adult can remind teens is that they have to have more respect with a lot other people and not be so rude to people like when you were a little kid because you are not little anymore because you are going to be a teens and not like a little kid anymore because again if you act like you are a little kid then you will get treated like a little kid. And that they need to help teens how to act at your house and even in public.

Krista McCartney is a sophomore and a first year Journalism student.
Krista McCartney is member of the basketball and softball teams.
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