Reminder for Adults
One thing that adults need to be reminded of is that at one point they were a kid and they did not always make the best choices either. Most parents/guardians want their children to be perfect and always make the correct decisions, which is what parents are supposed to do. That is understandable, but what adults need to realize is that kids only get to be kids once, so they should make the best of it and have fun without worrying about getting scolded for it. Not that it’s okay for kids to go out at night and break the laws, but it is important for kids to have fun at times. Now, most adults comebacks if they were told that they were kids once too, and they didn’t always make the right choices either would be, “We don’t want them to make the same mistakes as us.” How are kids supposed to learn from their mistakes, if they aren’t able to have too much fun? Of course all parents should make sure that their children know their limits, but they should not make it so strict that the kids aren’t allowed to do much just because they think their kids will do something wrong. Actually. the more strict parents are, the more their kids will want to rebel. Most parents and adults got to have their own childhood, so kids nowadays should be able to have their own and do fun activities, without it affecting them.

Carrington Teasdale is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
Carrington is a member of the Student Council and Academic Team. She is also...