Teachers, Listen Up!
As a student, teachers must be aware that we do have many other classes. That the world of the common student does not revolve around the school. Students typically have a life outside of school, and homework is just a nuisance that no one really needs. It is just busy work and a chance for teachers to take points off of a student’s grade. With having homework the question most asked is “what if the student has a question about said homework.” They cannot contact the teacher and ask him/her questions so the student is forced to bother their parents whom may not know the answer. All of a sudden the student is out of luck and unable to complete the assignment. When that happens the teacher will usually be very happy to deduct points, no matter the cause. If the homework isn’t complete there is no excuse for it, it’s an automatic deduction. When students leave this building, homework is definitely the last thing they want to do. They have just escaped from an 8 hour prison with nothing but work, disappointment, and misery. The last thing on their mind is more work. Most students would rather go home and enjoy their social life or spend the day unwinding from the stress that the building has caused. Teachers do not realize that students do not typically enjoy school, but yet the need and demand that students do their homework is nothing but stress. Even though they are young adults, homework is a pointless waste. Many of them being young adults they have responsibilities at home, such as chores or a job to worry about, rather than spending 25 minutes trying to figure out the value of x.

Matthew Haring is a junior and a first year Journalism student.
He does not participate in any sports and or any extracurricular activities.